I Get Along with Other Dogs!

This picture was taken about a month or so ago, after my spay, when I had to wear the dreaded cone.  I was so good about it, though!

And here is my favorite spot at my foster home. It looks a little like a jail, but it is an indoor pen, and you can tell the door is open if you look closely.  Even though I can walk all over and choose from a number of dog beds, my favorite place to sleep is on this thick foam dog bed in this pen that is in the middle of the kitchen!  So, where all the action is.  And often I am joined by other dog friends.  Both of these old dogs who joined me in this picture have on diapers because, unlike me, they have random potty accidents in the house!  I am completely housetrained!  No diapers for me!

Being housetrained is just one of my great qualities.  :)

Another is that I don't mind sharing my comfortable bed, 
as long as there is enough room for me. 

So, today I went to the vet, and my new glaucoma drops brought my eye pressure right back to normal!  That is great news!  In fact, I don't have any more vet appointments scheduled.  That is how well I am doing now!

And my foster mom always gets the nicest comments from the staff at the 
vet clinic about how sweet I am.

So, while I am waiting, waiting, waiting for my forever home, I am hanging out here, enjoying my soft dog bed.  And wondering if you are thinking I might be just the right dog for you...


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